Can I get a Right to Buy mortgage with bad credit?

Yes, you can get a Right to Buy mortgage with bad credit, and the good news is you will be able to use your discount as your deposit which often means your deposit will be substantial giving you access to the lenders lowest interest rates for the scheme.

The biggest obstacle you will face is that made credit lenders will have stricter policies on property types which can often rule out ex local authority properties due to the construction type, quite often houses especially those built in the 60’s may have been built using concrete.

Finding bad credit lenders willing to lend on apartments/flats can also be challenging, and the lack of lenders offer Right to Buy with bad credit can often lead to paying higher interest rates.

We know the lenders that specialise in bad credit mortgages and understand the options that will be available to you in your situation. Speaking to us first can increase your chances of finding a suitable mortgage option.

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